Mike Sullivan's Page

My Favorite things about life.

Mike Sullivan's Home Page

Welcome to my home page! Here you will find some tracts (and other stuff) that I have written over the years. Also I have included other peoples writings and items of interest. Please contact me if you have any questions, or would like to sign up for a free bible correspondance course: dnddad@yahoo.com

This page was last updated on:11/29/12 in "I See Dead People. 11/08/01/12 in Audio Files. 08/09/12 in "Stop Teaching False Doctrine" 12/04/06 in "Sermons". 11/16/2006 in: "Poems". 08/10/12 in: X-mas & B-Day Lists. 03/23/07 in: My Pictures

Is Jesus God? # # AreYou in Christ?

Are you sure you are a Christian? # # Will a "sinner's prayer" get me to heaven?

Peace On Earth # # Halloween

What It Means When a Congregation Withdraws Fellowship

My Editorials # # Elder's Authority

Bulletin Articles # # Sermons

Quotations and Sayings # # Don't Let Society Lead You To Hell!

Jews For Jesus # # Charts and Pictures

The church IS spiritual Israel! # # Should You Be Loyal To Your Local Congregation?

My Poems # # A Christians Reflection

Am I Good Enough To Get To Heaven # # Stop Teaching False Doctrine

I See Dead People # # Condensed Bible w/ Commentary

Audio Downloads - Rusty Stark # # Audio Downloads - Other Preachers

My Favorite Web Sites

Great Bible Site with Wayne Jackson
Jody Apple's Site
Creation & Science site
Great biblical articles
In Search of The Lord's Way
Free Printable tracts!!!
LOTS of Christian articles & more!

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